A Platform for Growth and Opportunity.

I want a St. Louis that works for everyone—with quality schools, safe neighborhoods, and successful businesses. Through bold leadership and a commitment to transparency, I aim to foster trust and create a vibrant, equitable city that meets the needs of all residents.

What we are fighting for.

  • Trust and Transparency

    St. Louisans need to trust their city leadership. Trust requires transparency and accountability. Trust can be rebuilt by leaders fostering openness, improving oversight, and creating systems that ensure that the government works for everyone.

  • A Safer City

    Safety is a top priority. Every resident deserves to live free from violence and fear. A safer St. Louis means fully staffing first responders, leveraging technology to deter crime, improving emergency response times and the 911 system, and holding property owners accountable.

  • Quality Education

    By fostering collaboration among public, charter, and private schools, addressing unmet educational needs, and planning for the future, St. Louis can provide better opportunities for all its children.

  • A Thriving Business Environment

    Businesses are the backbone of the community, but too many are struggling or relocating outside the city. A thriving business environment starts with streamlining city processes, supporting small business districts, improving zoning policies, fostering partnerships, and making it easier for businesses to succeed.

  • Basic City Services

    Every resident deserves well-maintained streets and reliable trash and recycling services. Critical steps include filling vacant staff positions, repairing roads, reducing illegal dumping, improving recycling systems, and modernizing outdated practices.

  • An Overhaul of the City Justice Center

    Since 2020, systemic failures at the City Justice Center have led to 18 deaths. The jail requires independent oversight, improved conditions, and transparent leadership to ensure the safety of all detainees and workers within the facility.

  • Caring for Our Unhoused Population

    St. Louis has far too few emergency shelter beds and limited resources to address the needs of the unhoused population. Solutions require expanding affordable housing, increasing winter shelter capacity, and fostering partnerships with private and public entities.

  • A Thriving Downtown

    St. Louis cannot thrive without a vibrant downtown. As the city’s core and a significant contributor to the budget, downtown must be safe, clean, and attractive to businesses and residents. Increasing safety and expediting redevelopment efforts can create a dynamic downtown that drives growth.

  • MetroLink and Public Transit

    A prosperous community of any size should have a robust public transport system. St. Louis is no exception. The Green Line has some muscle behind it, and we can take what we’ve learned from public engagement and apply it to a better system that benefits more people and more neighborhoods.